Dropdown menu

Drop up, drop down, active/inactive, etc etc...

More Bootstrap examples here (Buttons, tables etc):


Bootstrap container with a lighter secondary text

This text is inside a container

Snippets of code should be embedded in the code element


Envelope icon:

Could also be styled as links, on buttons, etc. (Search, print etc)

Bootstrap container-fluid

This text is inside a container-fluid

Different colors of the text inside a dl list:

Font colors:
This text is muted
This text is primary/important
This text indicates success
This text represents some information
This text represents a warning
This text represents danger.
Text background colors:
This text is important
This text indicates success
This text represents some information
This text represents a warning
This text represents danger.

Jumbotron inside a container

With a jumbotron inside a container, it will not extend to the end of the screen.

Jumbotron not surrounded by a container

With a jumbotron NOT inside a container, it will extend to the end of the screen.