Binding to Text Fields


Searching for: {{ query }}


Email message: {{emailMessage}}

Binding to Checkboxes

Let the user select between standard and enhanced search syntax:

Binding with a checkbox list. (Make a selection for beers and/or breweries):

Listing the selected checkboxes: {{searchIndexes}}

Binding to Radio Buttons

Listing the selected radiobutton: {{searchIndex}}

Binding to Dropdown lists

Make a single choice

selected: {{selectedSearchIndex}}

Make multiple choices (and preselected)

selected: {{selectedSearchIndexes}}

Modifying Bound Values

Trim Modifier

The trimModifier removes leading and training whitespaces. Incl spaces, tabs and linebreaks

Searching for: {{query2}}
(Men det funkar ju inte?)

Number modifier

Tries to cast user input to a number. (User input is always returned as strings)

Result is {{result}}
(Men det funkar ju inte?)

Lazy binding

using input event

On input: {{query3}}

using change event

On change: {{query4}}